
In Other Words: Bryn Mawr in Translation nurtures and celebrates the rich experience of creative life in a multilingual academic community.  This site features short works created and translated by students, faculty staff, and alums.

Our Goals


the English-as-usual, default culture and foster greater awareness of the power of translation to include everyone in the conversation


the ways in which the act of translation honors and preserves the author’s intention while expanding meaning and enhancing insight.


the multilingual skills and translingual identities of Bryn Mawrters

As translator Mireille Gansel notes in her memoir, Translation as Transhumance, the translator is both a nomadic shepherd of words, cautiously and deliberately traversing boundaries and a “smuggler of words” preserving essential thoughts that are imperiled in one language in the safety of another. Through offering reflections on our translations, we encounter and negotiate the personal, cultural, and linguistic factors that create barriers and bridges to understanding.

We invite you to enjoy our work and to submit your own translations for consideration.